(W). A. Wilson, 1818
(E. urn on pedestal on rail, E. side). Underneath are deposited the mortal remains of Agnes, Wife of Thomas Wilson of Thorns in Underbarrow who d. l. Feby. 21st 1820 Aged 40. Also Ann who d. l. Octr. 23rd 1826 Aged 30. And of Thomas Wilson Who d. at Thorns June 3rd 1839 Aged 66. (N. side). Beneath this Stone lie the Remains of Margaret the Wife of Smith Wilson who d. the 7 day of August 1812 Aged 33. ” Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus and shall present us with you.” Henry Wilson d. 7th May 1830 Aged 27, and Lomax Isaac Wilson d. 30 Sep. 1830 Aged 18. (W. side). In m. Thomas Wilson Late of Kent Lane, Kendal, Hosier, who d. May 29, 1800 aged 57. “He staggers not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to God)” Also of His Son Smith Wilson, B. Jany. 26, 1771, D. May 17, 1826. (See Kendal Chronicle, 20th May, 1826).
(E). Under this stone lie the remains of Agnes Wilson, of Highgate, Kendal, who d. I. February 19th 1852, in the 84th year of her age. Mary Wilson of Stricklandgate, Kendal, spinster, d. l. on the 22nd day of August 1853 in the 82nd y. of her age, and is interred beneath this stone.
(In. on a flat stone on the floor of Parr chapel previous to 1850-2). Agnes Wilson 1755.
(W). S. m. Ann Eliza Wilson who d. October 1st 1833 aged 35 y., also of Agnes Scott (widow) who d. September 18th 1871 aged 79 and of Martha Wilson who d. April 20th 1872 aged 72 y. also of Edward Wilson Scott, d. January 1860, Agnes Catherine Scott d. January 1879, John Scott d. in London August 1884, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Scarisbrick, d. November 1885, children of the above Agnes Scott.
(Various slabs in Bellingham chapel). Ann Wilson d. Oct. 19th 1827 aged 87, Elizabeth Wilson 1833, Ann Wilson 1830, Jane Wilson 1833, Agnes Wilson d. Feb. 4th 1830 aged 69, William Wilson d. April 4th 1793 aged 37, James Wilson 1818, Jane Wilson 1823, Agnes Wilson 1834, Christopher Wilson, 1850.
(N.W). Anthony Wilson 18th Decr. 1804.
(In. W). In M. Mr. Bryan Wilson of Kendal, Surgeon, who d. 3 May 1777 Aged 56, And Alice his Wife, Da. of William Matson of Titeup Esquire, who d. 3 August 1788 Aged 65. Also William their Son who d. 15 July 1785 Aged 26.
(In N floor near organ). Christopher Wilson 1804.
(On N wall Bellingham chapel). Near this stone lies the body of Christopher Wilson late of Kendal, who d. August XVII MDCCCIV aged LXXIII. also Margaret his wife, da. of Thomas Parke of the County of York, Esqr. d. July IInd MDCCCXL aged LXXXII. (Per Mr. Jennings).
(In floor W end of Inner North Aisle). Near this Place lieth the Body of Captain Edward Wilson who d. L. 1st January 1781 Aged 67. Here lie the Remains of Isabel Wilson his Wife And Eldest da. of William Matson of Titeup Esquire who d. L. 4th November 1789 Aged 73. Also Near this Place Lieth James Wilson their eldest Son who d. L. 6th May 1780 Aged 36. Here also lies interred William Wilson Esqr. Son of the above named Captain Edward Wilson, & Isabel his Wife, who d. the 12th Day of July 1811 Aged 64.
(Slate memorial mid W wall – Bellasis wrongly says brass). Here lyes the Body of Elizabeth the Wife of Mr. Thomas Wilson of this Town, and eldest Da. of Mr. Thomas Wilson late of Over-Kellet in the County of Lancaster, who d. l. the 31st of May Anno Domini 1720 AEtatis suae 30. Here lies the Body of the said Mr. Thomas Wilson Who d. L. the twenty third Day of December 1756, aged 82. (Per Mr. Jennings, copied 1865).
(In N floor near organ). Eleanor Wilson d. 28th May 1836.
To m. George Wilson, who d. August 30th 1789 aged 43 y., also of Mary his wife who d. November 27th 1772 aged 24 y., also of John, their only child, who d. at Sandys Close, August 3rd 1851 aged 80 y., and of Elizabeth, his wife who d. August 16th 1825 aged 48 y., and of Mary Gough Wilson their youngest da. who d. January 30th 1854 aged 35.
(E). In m. Isaac Wilson, Esquire, Solicitor of this Town, who d. January end 1842 aged 53 y. and of Fanny his wife who d. March 8th 1848 aged 55 y., also of Elizabeth Sarah their eldest da. who d. January 4th 1838 aged 59 y., and of Thomas Henry their youngest son, who d. May 13th 1837 aged 4 y., also of Edmund Law Isaac Wilson their eldest son, who d. at Constantinople, March 31st 1856 aged 23 y., also of Henrietta their fifth da. who d. at Wolverhampton August 20th 1874. “Jesus said, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.” John 11, 25, 26.
(W). Hic jacet J. Wilson quae obiit 29 Oct, 1799, cujus memoriae hoc monumentum posuit suus amicus. T. Harrison.
(On N wall after 3rd window) Near this place lie the remains of James Wilson Esquire, one of his majesty’s justices of the peace for the counties of Westmorland, and Cumberland, who d. August XXVI MDCCCVII in the LXVII y. of his age. He was an able and active magistrate, a tender father and sincere friend; his afflicted children, as a small tho’ inadequate testimony of their affection to the most indulgent of parents, have erected this monument to his memory.
(N). James Wilson 1807.
(In S aisle left of door.) S. m. James Wilson Esquire who d. l. the v. day of May MDCCCXVIII, in the LXXVIII y. of his age, also of Jane his wife, who d. on the XXIX day of May MDCCCXXIII in the LXXXI y. of her age.
(On S wall near Parr Chapel) S. M. The Rev. John Wilson A.M. late one of the senior fellows, and bursar, of Trinity College, Cambridge, Vicar of Gainford in the County of Durham, and Catterick in the County of York, Prebendary of Llandaff. And one of his Majesty’s Justices of the peace for this County. He d. 12th Jany. 1791 aged 52. Arms, sable, a wolf rampant, in chief 3 mullets or. Crest, a demi wolf rampant ar. Motto, Se sustulit ipse.
(On W wall Bellingham chapel) In M. Sir John Wilson Knt. One of his Majesty’s Justices of the Court of Common Pleas. B. at the Howe, in Applethwaite, 6th of August 1741, D. at Kendal 18th of October 1793. He did not owe his Promotion to the Weight of great Connexions, which he never courted; nor to the Influence of political Parties which he never joined but to his professional Merit, and the unsolicited Patronage of the Lord Chancellor Thurlow, who, in recommending to his Majesty so profound a Lawyer, and so good a Man, realized the Hopes and Expectations of the whole Bar, gratified the general Wishes of the Country, and did Honour to his own Discernment and Integrity.
(W). S. m. John, Wilson, Rope Maker, late of Kendal, who d. l. Jany. 1st 1818 Aged 41. Also of his Niece Mary Miniken who d. l. Octr. 9th 1820 Aged 19. Also of Ann, his Wife, who d. l. Sepr. 13th 1849 Aged 81 y.
(S.E). Hic Jacet R. Wilson AEt. 11/2 qui. Obiit 23 Junii AEt. 11/2 1800. H. Wilson Obiit 16 Julii, 1815 AEt. 19. G. Wilson, Chirurgus, Obiit 15 Aprilis 1817 AEt. 53. Anna Wilson, Obiit 28 Feb. 1818 AEt 52.
(E). S. in. Robert Wilson, whitesmith, who d. l. Decr. 7th 1841 aged 74 y., also Eleanor his wife, who d. 1. March 11th 1846 aged 76 y. Mary their eldest da. d. Decr 6th 1818 aged 20 y. Margaret their youngest da., wife of John Baynes d. Novr. 16th 1836 aged 30 y.
(Bread Board in N aisle)Donations to the poor for Bread. A.D. 1710 Rowland Wilson Esqr. London, Rent Charge on Grassgarth, Hugill, of £2 12s. 0d. Annually. 1750 Mr. John Robinson, Lane Foot, Strickland Ketel, Rent charge on Green Rigg Underbarrow of £2 12s. 0d. Annually. 1811 Mrs. Catherine Bordley, Kendal, Interest of £119 2s. 11d. New 3 percents. 1813 Mr. William Sleddall, Kendal, Interest of £156 7s. 10d. New 3 per cents, 1846 Mrs. Elizabeth Rigg, Manchester, Moiety of Rents of Two Dwelling Houses, Wool Pack Yard. 1852 Rev. George Braithwaite M.A. Kendal, Interest of £198 15s. 2d. 3 per cent Consuls. 1856 Mr. Christopher Gardner of Kendal, Ironmonger, Interest of £108 5s. 1d. 3 per cent Consuls, being a gift to the Poor in commemoration of the Parish Church Restoration.
(S). In m. Susan, the wife of Mr. John Wilson of Netherfield, and third da. of E. H. Grant of this town, Esqre. deceased, who d. January 1st 1845 aged 26 y., also of Susan Margaret, second da. of the said John and Susan Wilson, who d. January 4th 1845 aged 3 weeks.
(W. altar tomb). S. M. Thomas Wilson late of Strawberry Bank, in Hutton le Hay, who d. February 12 1791 Aged 71 and Aanes, his Wife, who d. December 26, 1801, Aged 78, also John their son, who d. November 14, 1802 Aged 51. Matthew their son, who d. November 9, 1779, Aged 22, and Agnes, their da. who d. an infant. Catharine Wilson, Da. of the above Thomas & Agnes Wilson, d. April 10th 1823 Aged 70. And Elizabeth Wilson Da. of the above Thomas & Agnes Wilson d. January 28th 1840 Aged 85.
(E). In m. Thomas Wilson of Highgate, Tanner, who d. L. January 23d 1788 Aged 54, and of Margaret his Wife who d. April 7, 1792 Aged 59. Also Thomas their Son who d. an Infant. Also Isaac who d. December 13, 1796 Aged 52.
(W). Here lie the Remains of William Wilson late of Highgate, who d. L. July 17th 1785 aged 26 Y
Son of Bryan Wilson, surgeon (supra). See Cumberland Pacquet. 19 July, 1785. (Mr. Jennings)
(2 brasses on raised tomb, W). (1) Here Lyeth the Body of Mr. William Wilson, Tanner, late Senior Alderman of K. Kendall who d. L. suddenly April 28th in the Y. of our Lord 1718, and of his Age 78. Here also lie interred Jane the Wife of the said William Wilson of Kirkland, who d. July 20th 1683 and of her age 39. Also three of their Children, viz. Edward d. September 13th 1679, Isabell d. March 24th 1685, and Jane d. May 24th 1717: Also of Jennet, wife of the said Mr. William Wilson who d. L. October 6th 1737, in the 45th y. of her age. Jennet Wilson of Stricklandgate their only da. d. October 7th 1737 in the 44th y. of her age. (2). Under this Stone were likewise Interred the Bodies of Mr. George Wilson, Son of the above said William ‘Wilson who d. September the 18th 1742 aged 70. Mary Wife of the abovesaid George Wilson, and da. of Mr. Bryan Philipson of Hodghill, who d. June 16th 1734 Aged 53. William Son of the abovesaid George and Mary Wilson who d. August 4th 1734 aged 34. (1st inscription 1861, per Mr.. Jennings)
Jennet Wilson left an endowment for the salary of an organist.
(E. sarcophagus, urn and rail). (1.) S. m. Richard Winfield who d. l. the Twenty seventh (lay of November MDCCCXX Aged Seventy nine y. and of Mary Winfeld his Wife who d. l. the Twelfth day of August MDCCCVI Aged Sixty three Y. In grateful remembrance of their affectionate Parents this Monument is Erected by their surviving descendants. (2.) In the Chancel of the adjoining Church are deposited The Remains of Beatrix, Wife of Josias Lambert and Da. of Richard and Mary Winfield who d. l. the Tenth day of November MDCCXCIII Aged Twenty Eight Y.
(W). Elizabeth Woud 1829, Da. of J. C. & Alice Wood. To m. Alice, Wife of John Coates Wood, Surgeon in this Town, who d. June 23rd 1835 Aged 35 y. Alice Wood Aged 2 y. and 9 m., Da. of the abovenamed, And of John Coates Wood, their Son who d. August 22nd 1837 Aged 10 y. John Coates Wood, Surgeon, d. 1. August 18th 1843 Aged 40.
(S). Here lyeth ye Body of Christopher Woodburn, Cordwainer of Butcher rowes who d. 1. the 2(6 of) January 1723 in the 63 y. of his age. (Partly from Mr. Jennings copy).
(Brass plate N wall, J1). Here lieth two Sons of Thus. Woodburn’s Joyner in Stramangate (sic) both Georges. The first D. in the 4th y. of his Age 1723. The second D. in the 16th Y. of his Age 1733.
5th 1779 in the 25th Y. of her Age.
Cut off from the fair hopes of future days,
Here the fresh Rose its vernial (sic) Beauties lays (sic),
Torn from the tender ties which sweeten life,
Here sleeps the dutious (sic) child, the faithful Wife,
This frail Memorial fond affection gives,
For Earth’s cold Bosom its best Joys receives.