Suggested Interest: A much eulogized Elizabethan Judge
(High on W wall beyond 1st window) To m. Joseph Nelson of Barrows Green near Kendal who d. December 1792 aged fourty y. Ann Nelson his wife who d. January 18, 1845 aged 8 y. Rachel Nelson their da. who d. May 1810 aged twenty-two y. This monument has been erected by their affectionate son Thomas Nelson, Merchant, of Graham’s Town, Cape of Good Hope, in the y. 1848.
(W. flat, formerly altar tomb & railed on 2 sides). Here lie the Remains of Thomas Nelson who d. May 1st 1768 Aged 61. Also near this place lies the Body of Agnes his Wife & Two children. Under this Stone is deposited the Body of Thomas Millers, nephew of the above Thomas Nelson who d. Decr. 29th 1794 Aged 65. Here also are deposited the Remains of Esther, Widow of the said Thomas Millers who d. April 6th 1803 Aged 73.
(N.) To m. William Nelson, late of Kirkland who d. on the 14th July 1814 aged 85 & Agnes his Wife who d. 16th January 1814 Aged 81. Also five of their children viz: Jane who d. in London the 7th Feby. 1812 Aged 56, Rowland, who also d. in London the 15th July 1797 aged 37, Agnes, who likewise d. in London the 4th July 1813 aged 47, William who d. the 11th Decr. 1772 aged 2, & Robert who d. the 16th March 1786 Aged 10. Likewise Mary, the Wife of Mr. John Nelson & Da. of Titus & Mary Wilson of Kirkland who d. in London the 24th Augt. 1811 aged 47. The said. Mr. Nelson hath caused this Stone to be erected as a small token of his affectionate love and esteem towards his Parents, Brothers, Sisters, & Wife the 29th Sepr. 1814.
(Flag). S. m. Agnes Nelson of Kirkland- who d.l.Aug. 6th 1843 in the 50th y. of her age.
Rest here distress’d by pain no more,
There find the calm you gave so oft before,
Sleep undisturbd within this peaceful shrine
Till angels wake you with a note divine.
also Jane Nelson of Kirkland who d. 1. this life on the 10th of December 1848 aged 77 y. her end was peace..
(E). To m. Henry Newby late of Finkle Street who d. Jan. 26th, 1793 aged 89, and Agnes his wife who d. Feb. 4, 1791. aged 81.
Death is the gate of endless Life,
Where Righteousness is due,
The gate is open let by Christ
To all Believers true.
(W. altar tomb). In M. William Newby late of Kendal, clockmaker who d. 1. February 23th 1791 Aged 55 Y. Also of John his Son who d. October 28th 1761 Aged 5 M. And William his Son, clockmaker, who d. December 3d 1800 Aged 32 Y. And James his Son, watchmaker who d. December 20, 1807 Aged 43 V. And of Ann his Widow who d. January 37, 1808 Aged 77 Y. Ann Newby D. L. June 13th 1814 aged 40. Jane Newby, D. L. June 30th 1817 Aged 46..
(In. W. In. 1664, N. aisle, Dugdale). Arms, I. sa. 3 pheons ar., crescent or (for difference). (Dugdale, Norroy, Westmorland Visit: 1664, Coll. Arms C., 39, and cal. 10b, notes also), II. the above arms impaling ar. bend between 3 mullets sa. (Pell). III. The same impaling gu. on a fess between 3 fusils or, as many escallops of the field, the whole within border engrailed of 2nd, charged with torteaux. (Heming).
To the most Religiovs and Renowned Memory of Sr Avgvstine Nicholls Kt. late of Faxton in Northamptonsheire (herre bvried) who was second son(ne) of Thomas Nicholls of the same Covntye Esqr. He was student of Lawes in the Middle Temple, London; became Reader there in (ye) (the. Dugdale) , last yeare of Qveene Elizabeth, of whom he receaved his Writ(t) of Serjeant att the Lawe the Michaellmas Terme immediatly followinge: Afterwards Serjeant to Prince Henry of famovs memory & the (ye, Dugdale) Qveene his mother, Then one of his Maties. jvstices of his Court of Common Pleas, & keeper of the Great Seale to the most illvstriovs & mighty Prince Charles ; who, having labovred in ye Highe & painfvll calling of a most Reverende & jvst Jvdge for the space of fovr(e) yeares, felt vnder the heavy burden of it (heere att Kendall) sitting(e) then Justice of Assize; & comminge to give Judgment upon others by his comfortable & Christian departvre receaved (wee assvredlye beleeve) his jvdgmt: with mercye in the yeare of our Lord 1616 the 3 day of August in the 24th yeare of the Raigne of Ovr Sovereigne Lord Kinge James, & the 57th yeare of his age.
(At top). One of the Cardinal Vertves in his name
The Fovre to fewe to comprehend his fame.
(Right). Which now are bvt his shadowes weake svpporters,
More then must be him svbmtance trve reporters.
(Left). Vertves his proper and pecvliar tombe,
Ovtlastinge marble living till dayes dome.
(Foot). Weake mvse that wovldst disciphere ovt such joyes
That now are endlesse by fast fadinge toyes.
He whom no bribes covld blind, noe terrovr turne;
Noe favovr fawne; no covrse compell from right;
Whome place did nev’r pvffe vpp; nor beavtye byrne;
Plenty exceed; nor poore oppresse with mighte,
Did speake, thinke, find this topp of honovr hye
Seald in this vrne; he in his Yeares to dye.
This distich, of a mutilated inscription, repaired in 1770 and restored so far as it could be in 1815, is now (1888) almost illegible. See for further details as to the fate of this monument and its subject, Mr Nicholson’s Annals of Kendal, pp. 64-6; Letters in Kendal Mercury, 16 Ap., 1801; and Hill M.SS. 11. 63. His reading of the inscription is supplemented by the duplicate M.I. at Faxton. The Parish Register gives the burial date as 3 Aug., the next entry being the 8th, and the immediate previous ones 2nd and 8th The last word but two i.e. “yeares” has been altered to “Geeres.”
(In. clerestory windows). The gift of Cornelius Nicholson, Author of the Annals of Kendal 1851. Arms, ar. 2 bars gu. on canton of last lion rampant. (On scroll). Arms of the Town. (Mr. Rushforth)..
(Brass, on W wall under tower. Not in Bellasis) In loving memory of Cornelious Nicholson F.G.S. F.S.A. Justice of the Peace and Deputy Lieutenant for Middlesex. Author of the “Annals of Kendal”. Born at Ambleside. March 14th 1804. Died at Ashleigh, Ventnor July 5th 1889. Also of Mary Anne his wife, Born at Kendal August 20th 1806. Died at Muswell Hill near London March 3rd 1877. – With Christ which is far better” – Erected by their children and grand-children.
(W. altar tomb). To m. Edward Nicholson who d. L. June 11th 1853 Aged 72, Also Elizabeth his Wife June 1st 1821 Aged 86. Also Mary Nicholson, their da. who d. Sepr. 17th 1849 Aged 8a, Also John Nicholson their Son, who d. January 25th, 1852 Aged 79, Also Alice, their da. in law, who d. Sepr. 21st 1852 Aged 82.
(N). S. m. John Nicholson late of Collincroft, Kendal, brewer, who d. June 19th 1846, aged 61 y., also of Ann his Wife, who d. August 17th 1821, aged 36 y., also of John their son, who d. January 13th 1842 in infancy, and of George their son, who d. August 13th 1842, aged 25 y.
(N. 2 altar tombs, rail). [1] Here lie the Remains of Robert Nicholson late of the Market-place in Kendal, Grocer, who d. September the 17th 1741 aged 75 y. Here also lie the Remains of Thomas Elleray late of the Market-place, Grocer and Tallow chandler, who d. December the 5th 1782 aged 8o Y. Isabella Elleray placed this Monument as a Testimony of her respect to the Memory of an Uncle and a Brother. [2] Isabella Elleray a maiden lady d. l. October 29th 1788, after surviving the rest of her family and thy intimates of her earlier years; she d. not unlamented. Her munificence endeared her to the poor who mourn the loss of their common friend. Her bounty was not confined to the present age alone, but provided for posterity by augmenting the funds of the public charities in this town by liberal donations to the Hospital, Sunday School’s and Dispensary. She d. in the 79th y. of her age..
(W. flat tomb). In m. Robert Nicholson of this town, hosier, who d. Jany. 29th 1821 aged 76. Frances his wife d. Octr. 24th 1832 aged 82. John his son d. May 26th 1810 aged 36. Hannah, sister of Robert Nicholson, d. Feby. 28th 1837 aged 77 and William his son who d. Sepr. 19th 1842 aged 55, also of Agnes Parkinson, da. of the above-named Robert and Frances Nicholson who d. on the 10th day of July 1849 aged 66 y., by whom this stone was erected.
(W. altar tomb, rail). [Skull and cross-bones] . S. m. the Revd. William Nicholson, curate of Old Hutton in this County, who d. the 17th day of April 1743 Aged 44. And of Sarah his Wife who d. the 23d day of June 1781 Aged 71. And of their several Children, namely, Susanna who d. the 12th day of April 1806 Aged 75, Eleanor 29th July 1814, 81, Elizabeth 18th July 1741 Aged 7, Edward and Jan. 1803, 67, Sarah 10th March 1814, 76, William 31st March 1772, 33, Mary 22nd March 1823, 83, Anna 22nd March 1769, 26, Also S. M. Mr. Edward Gathorne of Old Hutton, Gentleman, and of Eleanor his Wife, the Father & Mother of the above named Sarah the Wife of the said Revd. William Nicholson. May they rest in Peace.
(E. skull, cross bones, sand-glass.) Here lieth the Body of Eleanor Noble late Wife of Richard Noble, Hosier In Stramongate who d. l. September 27, 1742 in the 35 Y. of her Age. Also near this Place are Interred six of their children viz Mark, Enos, Joseph, Benjamin, Elkanah and Dorothy. (Partly from Mr. Jennings 1861 copy). .