Suggested Interest: Died at Cawnpore (India) 1833
(N). To m. Richard Paitson, late of Kendal, who d. L. the 30th day of September 1789 Aged 67 Y. Also Agnes Paitson, his da. who d. the 3rd day of Septr. 1779 Aged 16 Y. And of Margaret his Wife who d. April 7th 1803 Aged 77.
(W). In m. Ann Palmer, of Kendal, spinster, who d. June 6th 1852 aged 79 y.
(E). In M. Mary Park wife of William Park of Storth-End who died 27 April 1796 aged 73 Y. And of the above William Park who d. 6 May 1805 aged 81 Y.
(Once in Parr chapel, 1628, tomb with figure of knight in armour and his lady kneeling, Whitaker’s Richmondshire II 327. Arms I (on knight) ar. 2 bars az. within border sa. (Parr.) II (on lady) 4ly I & 4 az. 3 stags trippant (Green), 2 & 3 gu. chevron between 3 crosses botony or, on chief lion passant ar. (sic) (Maplethorpe). Pray for the soul of Thomas Par. knight of king’s body, Henry the VIII, master of his wardes . . . and . . . sher . . . who deceased the 11th day of Nov. in the 9th y. of the reign of our said sovereign lord at London, in the . . . Fryers, as his tomb doth record.
(Formerly in E. window, S. aisle, Parr. chapel, and see Whitaker II. 327) Arma Wil. Par militis. Arms (underneath) 4ly, 1 & 4, 2 bars, crescent for difference (Parr.), 2 & 3, 3 water-bougets. (Ros) (Hill MSS. II. 66 note 1 & 4 Ros ; 2, fess within border, mullet for difference (Parr) 3, ar. 3 chevronels interlaced and chief or (Fitzhugh)..
(Large black marble altar tomb, Parr chapel). Arms in 1888 (on N). I, 4ly. 1 & 4 Ros, 2 & 3 Parr (without border) vairy, a fess (Marmion), III Fitzhugh. (On E). IV. 4ly 1 & 4 (4 not repeating each coat) 4ly 1 & 4 Ros, 2 & 3 Parr; 2 Fitzhugh ; 3 Marmion. All within Garter, with Motto hony soyt quy maly pense)
(In. W. floor). Here lie the Remains of Richard Pedder, Upholsterer who d. Jan. 18th 1783 aged 56 Y. William his Son d. June 24th 1764 aged 6 Y. And Catherine his Da. d. May 29th 1771, aged 9 Y. Ann his Widow d. March 25th 1802 aged 80 Y. Alice Pedder d. 1. Oct. 7th 1824.
(E). Here lie the Remains of John Pennington late of Kirkland, Apothecary, who d. L. June 4th 1784 aged 29..
(on South wall beyond 1st window) S. m. John Pennington Esqre. late of the 15th Hussars and 44th Regt., who d. l. at Cawnpore in the East Indies, June 6th 1833 aged 40 y. This tablet is erected by his three surviving brothers as a tribute of their sincere affection.
(N). In M. Robert Pennington of Hollings in Hutton-i’th’-Hay, who d. October 5th 1849 aged 78. Also of David Fawcett Pennington his son, who d. August 30th 1840; aged 27. Also of Ann Fawcett, who d. April 15th 1842 aged 87, relict of the late David Fawcett of Kendal, she d. at Hollings, Hutton-i’th’.Hay at the house other son in law Robert Pennington. Also of David Fawcett, husband of the above who d. February 5th 1803. Also of Mary, widow of the above Robert Pennington who d. on the 4th November 1878 aged 87 y. and was interred at the new cemetery..
(E). Here lieth the body of Joseph Penny who d. Decr. 25th 1811 Aged 47. Also of Jane his Wife who d. March 23rd 1829 Aged 67.
Reader, here mix’d with kindred clay,
Our bodies wait the last great day,
When hoary Time shall reign no more.
When earthly scenes shall all be o’er,
And when th’ assembled world shall stand
To hear th’ Eternal King’s command;
When, blissful hope, we’ll tune our lay
With angels bright in endless day.
Also of Agnes Sharp, Da. of the above who d. 22nd September 1831 Aged 33.
Reader who gazeth on this lettered stone,
On this important truth thou mayest rely,
To thee both Death and Judgment may be nigh.
O let this solemn thought where ‘ere (sic) thou art,
Find place within and regulate thy heart.
Also of William Simpson who d. on the 31st of May 1853 Aged 7 y..
(W. altar tomb). This stone was erected in M. of William Petty Esquire, Mayor of Kendal, who d. the 7th day of February 1793 aged 55y. and Mary his Wife, who d. the 5th day of January 1777 aged 31 y., and also of Mary their Da. who d. an infant. Also John Petty, eldest son of the above named Wm. Petty, who d. Octber. 25th 1829 Aged 63. Also Sarah his wife who d. 21st August 1808 Aged 38.
(Brass plate N wall, M1). Here lyes the Body of Mr. Brian Philipson, Tanner, late Alderman of this Town He d. L. the 25th of January in the Y. of our Lord 1725 and of his Age 38. Here also lyes the Body of his Son John.
(E. altar tomb). To M. Jane Wife of William Pooley in Kirkland, Hosier, who D. B. December the 9th 1792 Aged 75 Y. Also Margaret their Da. who d. an Infant. William Pooley d. 1. April 12, 1800 Aged 84 Y.
(N. W). In m. Mary Pooley, wife of Matthew Pooley late of Kirkland, who d. January 4th 1796 aged 52 y., also of William Berry Esquire, of Ashmeadow house, senior alderman and justice of the peace for this burgh, who d the 27th March 1833 aged 66 y.
(E). In m. Matthew Pooley Late of Kirkland, Rosier, who d. February 19th, 1800, Aged 47..
(S. E). In M. Thomas Postlethwaite late of this Town, Hosier, who d. Decr. 31, 1799 aged 51 Y. Also of Margaret Da. of the above Thomas Postlethwaite who d. Febry. 12th 1837 Aged 56 Y.
(S. E). In m. William Postlethwaite Late of this Town who d. Jany. 19th 1811 aged 65 y. Also of Ann, his Wife who d. April 18th 1828 Aged 72.
(Brass plate N wall, F2). Here lyeth the Body of Allan Pricket, Gentleman, late Town Clerke of the Burrough of K. Kendale who was buryed the 27th Day of December Ano Doni 1675 Being 35 yeares of age..