(E. paschal lamb). In m. Rebecca, da. of John and Mary Rawes who d. Decr. 15th 1834 Aged 23 m. And of Ralph Wilson their Son, who d. Novr. 4th 1827 Aged 22 Weeks. And of Rebecca their Da. who d. April 21st 1836 Aged 10 m. And of Thomas Grant their Son, who d. April 14th 1839 Aged 2 y. and 7 m. And of Edward their Son, who d. August 13th 1839 Aged 56 m. “Jesus said, suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of God.” And of John, Father of the above, who d. March 18th 1840 Aged 37 y.


(W). S. m. William Rawes who d. Jan. 25th 1825 aged 17 y. Also of Ann Rawes, Mother of the above, d. April 26th 1842 Aged 68 y. Also of William Rawes, Father of the above-named, d. Octbr. 21st. 1854. Aged 76 y. Also to m. Richard Rawes Esquire Late of the H.E.T.C. Service who d. at Kendal Febry. 15th 1845 Aged 60.


(S. E). S. m. George Ray, of Kendal, cabinet-maker, who d. l. January 3d 1842 Aged 72 y. And of Mary, his Widow who d. February 18th 1855 Aged 79 y. Also of Mary Ellen, da. of John Ray, who d. July 21st, 1845, Aged 6 y. and 8 m.


(W. altar tomb). In m. John Read of Kendal who d. 12th of November 1832 Aged 56 Y.

All earthly things must pass away,
This world’s vast scene awaits decay
Thousands in dust forgotten lie,
He’s wise who lives and learns to die,
A husband kind, and friend sincere,
Whose hope was Christ lies buried here.


(Brass plate N wall, Q1). Here lyeth the body of Mrs.Catherine Redman, wife of Mr. Christopher Redman, Alderman of K: Kendal, who dyed the 13 day of February Anno Domi 1688. Aetatis Suae 52.


(In. brass, Bellingham chapel). Reginald Remington 1782, also of Jane his wife 5797, Robert Remington their Son 1791, Reginald Remington 1829.


(On N wall, W end). S. M. Reginald Remington of Melling in the County of Lancaster, who d. 12th May 1782 aged 55, also of Jane his Wife who d. 9 April, 1797 aged 67, also of Robert Remington their Son, Lieut. R.N. who d. 20th July 1791, aged 32. Reginald Remington their Son, who d. 20th June 1829, aged 76. Arms, party per pale, dexter barry az. and ar. a bend or; sinister ar. a bend chequy or and az. between two roundels. Crest a hand erect, holding a broken tilting-spear.


(W). Batty Reed, 1820


(On S wall). “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord,” S. m. Win. Richardson Esqr. who d. l. Novr. 28th 1809 aged 58, and of Thomasin his widow, the youngest da. and last surviving descendant of James Dowker Esqre, she d. January 4th 1839, aged 81.


(N.W). In m. Susannah Riddle, da. of George and Jane Riddle, who d. Septr. 24th 1838 aged 17 y., also of Agnes her sister who d. at Armathwaite, Octr. 10th 1828 aged 2 y., also of Jane Riddle, mother of the above d. 13th Augt. 1846 aged 54 y.


(W). In m. Henry Rigg, Innkeeper, who d. december 25, 1812 aged 43.

O Lord we give our spirits up, and trust them in thine hand;
In hopes our flesh awhile will rest, and rise at thy command.


(E). Here lieth the body of Robert Rigg, Late of Kendal, Grocer, who d. the 24 of April 1753 in the 26th y. of his Age. He was a very Affectionate Husband, a Sincere Friend, his Acquaintance greatly lamented the Loss of him but none more than his Disconsolate Widow by whom as an Instance for the tender Regard she bears to his Memory this Monument is Erected. Also near this. Place lieth the Body of Frearson John Rigg, Son of the said Robert: who d. April 2:1751 Aged 7 y. (Chiefly from Mr Jennings 1861 Copy).


(S). In the earth beneath are deposited, in a pious confidence in the mercy of God, the remains of Catharine Robinson wife of the Rev. Henry Robinson, Vicar of this Parish, of whose unspeakable sorrow and regret this silent marble is a memorial. She d. March XIX, MDCCXCIX aged XXXVIII, he d. February XXV, MDCCCVI aged LVIII. Also the remains of the Rev. Henry Robinson their oldest son, Vicar of Otley in the County of York, who d. XIV of August MDCCXXXIV aged XLII y.


(E). H. R. 1806.


(In. W). S. m. Christopher Robinson, late of Kendal, Maltster, who d. March 20th 1834 aged 49 y., also of Nanny, his widow, who d. December 31st 1850 aged 63 y. also of Christopher, their son, who d. April 14th 1849 aged 21 y., also of William, their son, who d. May 7th 1850 aged 27 y., also of Joseph Robinson of Kendal, ironmonger, their son, who d. December 15th 1852 aged 28 y., and who by his will directed that this monument should commemorate the deaths of his beloved relatives above-named.


(S). Here lieth the Body of Mr. John Robinson late of Crossbank in Kendall. Here Also Lieth the Body of Mrs. Isabel Dodgson, Relict of the said Mr. John Robinson, and Wife of Mr. John Dodgson Alderman, who d. January the 15th 1739 Aged 63. Here also lie interred the Remains of Mr. John Dodgson, Husband of the said Isabel and late Sen. Alderman of Kendal who d. the 4th of Feb. 1765 Aged 86. And near this Stone are Deposited the Bodies of his two Grandchildren, John Aged near twenty y. and Isabel Aged three. (Mostly Mr. Jennings’ 1861 Copy).


(S). Underneath this Stone are deposited the remains of Jonathan Robinson, Teacher of the Mathematics &c in this Town for upwards of 35 y. He d. Jan. 9th 1816 Aged 59.


(W). Here lieth the remains of Joseph Robinson late of this Town who d. l. May 20, 1806 in the 46 y. of his age. Also Robert, Son of Robert and Elizabeth Robinson who d. May 19th 1816 aged 12. Joseph Robinson d. June 27th 1823 aged 7.


(On N wall near entrance to vestry) To M. William Robinson of Kirkland, Tanner, who d. the 26th April 1780 Aged 43. Also Margaret his Wife, who d. 7th August 1790 Aged 57. And Sarah their Da., Widow of John Wilkinson who d. the 17th January 1793 Aged 19. Also Edward their Son, who d. the 19th March 1795, Aged 27


(W. altar tomb). Here lie the Remains of William Robinson, Mason, who d. the 10th day of March 1781 Aged 61. Margaret his Wife, who d. the 13th day of July 1781 Aged 66. And William Robinson their Son who d. the 28th of December 1787 Aged 57. Jane Robinson his surviving Widow caused this Tomb to be erected. And William Robin. son, her second Husband who d. March 22d 1804 Aged 34, And George Craven her Father who d. April 12th 1797 Aged 67. And Agnes Craven, his Widow who d. April 19th 1821 Aged 93. The above Jane Robinson, d. May 11th 1850 Aged 85. And Agnes da. of the above Jane Robinson, who d. August 17th 1852 Aged 64.


(In. S.W). To m. George Romney, Esquire, The Celebrated Painter: who d. at Kendal, the 15 Nov. 1802, in the 68 y. of his age, and was interred at Dalton the place of his birth. So long as Genius and Talents shall be respected his Fame will live.


(W). In m. Richard Rowlandson, of this town who d. September 9th 1819 aged 39 y., also of Agnes, Betsy, and Mary, children of the above, who d. in their infancy, also of Eleanor Rowlandson, Widow of the above d. March 14th 1855 aged 73 y.


(Above N.W.door 1874, now 1888, S.W.,N. aisle. (Hill MSS.2, 113). S. m. Brevet Major John Ballie Rose, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel William Holland Lecky Daniell Cuddy, Capt. Henry Thomas Butler, Capt. John George Schaw, Lieutenant Charles Henry Evans, Lieutenant Richard John Thorley Stone, Six Serjeants, one Drummer, twelve Corporals, and one hundred and fifty five Private Soldiers, who were killed or d. of wounds received in Battle. Brevet Major Hector McCaskill, Captain John Warren, Lieutenant Robert Grigg, Lieutenant William Mansel Tayler, Lieutenant Lea Birch, Assistant Surgeon John James Norris, Nine Serjeants, six Corporals, and two hundred and nineteen Private Soldiers, Who d. of Fatigue, Exposure or Disease, Making a total of twelve Officers, Fifteen Serjeants, eighteen Corporals, and three hundred and sixty four Private Soldiers, All of the 55th (Westmoreland) Regiment of Foot, Who fell during the War with Russia In Turkey and the Crimea, in the years 1854-1855. This Monument is erected by their surviving Comrades, of all Ranks, As a testimony of grief for their loss, and of respect for their worth. “The small and great are there.” Job iii: 19. In addition to the deaths above recorded, Eighteen Officers, thirty three Serjeants, one Drummer, Seventeen Corporals, and three hundred and Sixty Private Soldiers of the Regiment, were Wounded at various periods during the War, And of these, one Officer, three Serjeants, and Twenty eight Private Soldiers suffered amputation of Their Limbs. Alma. Inkerman. Sevastopol.
(Brass below above) Arms, 4ly 1 & 4 England, 2 Scotland, 3 Ireland, L.V. Westmorland Regiment of Foot.
M.D.CCCI. to MDCCXIV. West Indies, St. Domingo, Holland, Bergen-op-Zoom, MDCCCXXXIV to MDCCCL East Indies, Coorg, China, Amog Chusan, Chinhai, Ningpo, Chapoo, Woosung, Shanghai, Ching-Keang-Foo. These colours were borne by the LVth Regiment of Foot from MDCCCI to MDCCCIV at S. Domingo in the West Indies & at Bergen-op-Zoom in Holland, & from the year MDCCCXXXIV to MDCCCI at the several places in the East Indies & in China which are inscribed on this brass. They were finally deposited in this church May iii, MDCCCI.


(Brass, on S wall near entrance. Not in Bellasis) In m. George Rushforth for thirty four years Clerk of thisPparish and clerk to the Burial Board. Born 3rd November 1840. Died 15th June 1907. “A faithful and wise servant” S.Matthew XXIV.45


(E. altar tomb). Beneath (Underneath) lie the r(R)emains of Alderman Robert Rutson Mayor of Kendal 1751-2 (Robert Nutson, Shearrnan Dyer) who d. l(L). the 20th of Septr. 1760 in the 59th y. (60 y). of his a(A)ge, by whose d(D)eath his wife lost a kind h(H)usband, his children a tender parent, the c(C)ommunity an honest t(T)radesman, the c(C)orporation of Kendal a w(W)orthy m(M)ember. Here also lies the b(B)ody of Margaret his w(W)ife who d. the (the) 2nd d(D)ay of April 1766 aged 61 y. & (61 And) the r(R)emains of Margaret Wilson late w(W)ife of James Wilson s(S)hearman in Kendal. & d(D)a. of the said Robert & Margaret Rutson who d. March (the) 10th 1795 in the 69th y. (69 Y). of her age, also the remains of (against end, D. January 13th 1837) Agnes d(D)a. of Alexander Carson of Liverpool m(M)erchant. (conclusion of old M.I). & grand-da. of the above James & Margaret Wilson who d. January 13th 1837 aged 34 y
The variations in brackets refer to the former box-tomb, which made way for the present one some 20 years ago.