We are committed to ensuring that this is a safe place for everyone and take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. We adhere to safeguarding rules laid down by the Church of England and the Diocese of Carlisle.

Any safeguarding concerns can be addressed either to the Vicar, or to our Safeguarding Officer, Carolyn Nicholson. They can be contacted via the church office 01539 721248, mobile 07482210027 or by emailing safeguarding@kendalparishchurch.co.uk.

Other Contacts

Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser

You can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, Joanna Van Lachterop,  07458 016884 safeguarding.adviser@carlislediocese.org.uk.

Further details about Diocesan Safeguarding can be found here.

If you believe a child be at immediate risk, you must contact Cumbria Children’s Services using the 24 hour number below, or the police.

Cumbria County Council Children’s Services

The multi-agency safeguarding hub or an out of hours social worker can be contacted on:

0333 240 1727

Urgent concerns about vulnerable adults should be referred to your local District Adult Social Care office 0300 303 2704 or the Emergency Duty Team: 01228 526690 out of normal office hours.

Safeguarding Policy

Further Information

0800 1111

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