Suggested Interest: Lost his Life by a Fire in Liverpool
(N. W). In m. Isaac Kirkby, Plumber and Glazier, who d. Octr. 3, 1822 aged 52. Also Eleanor his Da. d. Jany. 6, 1810 aged 3. Also Mary who d. May 1st 1819 aged 22.
(E). In m. Mr.Thomas Kenady of Stramongate and one of the Aldermen of the Corporation of Kendal; who d. L. the 26th of June 1770 in the 75th Y. of his Age.
(N. E). I. H. S In m. Barbara the beloved Wife of William Kitching, who d. April 29th 1853 Aged 53 y. Also of John, their Infant Son, and of William their Son who d. March 10th 1841 Aged 7 Y.
(E). In m. Betty Lamb, widow, late of Lancaster, who d. December 31st 1838 aged 74 y. To perpetuate her memory, this stone is placed with feelings of gratitude by her three sons. Also of her grandchildren, the family of William & Alice Lamb of Kendal. John d. March 14th 1830 aged 1 y. Margaret d. Feby. 19th 1832 aged 6 y. Elizabeth d. Jany. 4th 1834 aged 3 y. Richard d. March 18th 1837 aged 2 y. Thomas d. May 21st 1837 an infant. Alice Jane d. Sepr. 14th 1837 aged 4 y. Alice d. Sepr. 26th 1849 aged 9 y.
(In. chancel floor). S. m. Miss Ann Lambert of Kirkland who d. 1. 19th day of February A.D. 1839 aged 72 y. (Mr. Jennings).
(In. chancel floor). Josias Lambert, d. July 26th 1841 aged 78 y.
(Brass plate N wall, Q2). Here lie the Remains of Mr. Josias Lambert of Watsfield, who d. the 4th of Novr. 1753 aged 60 y. He was an affectionate Husband, a tender Parent, and a true Friend. Arms (above) chevron gu. between 3 lambs, chief chequy ar. & az.
(Brass plate N wall, R2). Here lie the Remains of Mrs. Mary Lambert, Relict of Mr. Josias Lambert of WatsField by whom She had 8 Children. She d. the 3d Day of April 1760 Aged 65 y. She was a prudent and careful Wife, a tender Parent, and a respected Neighbour.
(E). (Here Lyes the Body of James Leeming of Kendal, Brazier, who d. L. the 13th day of September 1749 and in the 77th Y. of his Age. Here lieth the Body of Susannah, Wife of Richard Gaitskell who d. L. the 31St of October 1763 Aged . . . Near this place lieth the Body of John Skaife, who d. L. the 1st Day of April 1771 aged 50.Also Mr. Richard Gaitskell who d. L. the 18th Day of October 1774 Aged 81. Also of Isabella Skaife, who d. October 10th 1810 aged 85. Also of Isabella Skaife her grand-da. who d. January 23d 1794 Aged 5. Also of Rebecca Skaife who d. August 11th 1833 Aged 7. (First portion in brackets from Mr. Jennings’ copy 1861)
(E). In M. John Leonard, who d. at Dublin, Novr. 1st 1799 Aged 61, Ann his Wife d. at Kendal Octr. 21st 1823 Aged 72.
Now, the last sigh of life is o’er,
Let them enjoy thy blessed sight,
That with thy Saints, they may delight,
To sing thy praise for evermore.
(N. W). Erected to the Memory of Mr. Christopher Lewthwait of Kendal, Hosier, Ob. 5th January 1805. Aet. 64 y. Also of Christopher his Son who unfortunately lost his Life by a Fire in Liverpool Ob. 17th Septr. 1796 Aet. 24 y. & there interred. Also of Anna his Da., the Wife of Josiah Lewthwaite, Attorney Whitchaven, b. 17th July 1804 Aet. 34 Y., & intterred at Trinity Chapel, Whitehaven. And also of Isabella, Da. of the said Josiah Lewthwait & Anna his Wife, Ob. 7th Novr. 1804. Aet. six V. Also of Isabella Lewthwait Widow of the above Christopher Lewthwait Senr. who d. Septr. (17) 1809 Aet 69.
(N. W). S. m. William Lewthwaite late Master of the Blue Coat School, Kendal, who d. l. the 12th Day of February 1837 in the 45th of his Age. Also of William Lewthwaite his Father who d. April 22nd 1846 Aged 84 y.
(On W wall Bellingham chapel) To M. John Leyburne late of Cunswick Esq. who d. ye 9th of Decem: 1737: Aged 69. In whom that Ancient, Loyall, & Religious Family is now extinct, Whose Example this Inscription Recommends to Posterity, For under this Stone lies the Remains of Affectionate Husband, a Charitable Neighbour, & a Kind Master. In Dealings Just, In Words Sincere, Was Humble in Prosperity, Heroickly resign’d in Adversity, Whose unaffected Devotion. Strict Sobriety & Unwearied practice of Christian Duties, is worthy ye Imitation of All. He had two Sons, who died in their Infancy so hath left no Issue to inherit his Virtues. And that the Memory of them may not perish with ye Name Lucy his wife hath Plac’d this Monument, as a Memorial of her Love & Esteem. Miseremini, Miseremini, mei, Saltem vos Amici mei! Job 19th. Arms, 4 ly 1 & 4 az. 6 lioncels ar. armed & langued gu. (Leyburne) 2 & 3, or. chevron gu. between 3 daws’ heads erased beaked of the field (for Dalston).
(W). In m. Morffee Lime late of this town, card manufacturer, who d. January 8th 1839 aged 66 y. also of Elizabeth, his wife who d. February 5th 1828 aged 54y., and of Thomas their son who d. August 28th 1844 aged 34 y., also of Charles Busher who d. May 11th 1850 Aged 3 y. & 6 m., & of Elizabeth Busher who d. July 24th 1850 Aged 7 y. and of Mary Busher who d. March 21st 1852 Aged 3 y. and 6 m. Grandchildren of the above M. Lime.
(W). In m. Jane Long, youngest Da. of Thomas and Jane Long, of Mint House near Kendal, who d. June 1st 1813 Aged 13 y. Also Barbara second Da. of the above who d. April 8th 1815 Aged 17 y. Also of James Hoggarth Long Esqre. of Mint House who d. July 4th 1829 Aged 38 y. And of Jane his eldest Da. who d. May 21st 1837 Aged 15 y.
(N. E). In m. Elizabeth Longhorne late of Highgate, Kendal, who d. November 9, 1811 aged 44. Also Isabella her Da., (Wife) of Simon Clark, Strickland Kettle, who d. September 8, 1853 Aged 24.
(E). S. m. Thomas Lonsdale, Late Manufacturer in this Town, who d. 1. on the 21st day of February 1844 aged 66 y. His affectionate Widow caused this stone to be erected. Also of Emma Lonsdale his Widow who d. February 27th 1852 aged 81 y. Also of Richard, Son of the above who d. April 4th 1808 aged ii in. And also of Emma Johnson, Grand-da. of the said Thomas Lonsdale, and infant Da. of James and Emma Johnson, who d. on the 21st of July 1844 aged 2 y. and 3 m. And also of James Johnson the Son of the above named who d. 25th February 1846 aged 3 m. Afterwards Isaac Johnson, who d. June 26th 1847 aged 4 m. and 3 weeks. James Johnson their Father who d. Decr. 18th 1851 aged 37 y. (Mr. Jennings).