(N. altar tomb, rail). In m. Ann, da. of John & Isabella Jackson who d. 1. Jany. 23rd 1831 Aged 20 y. Also of the above-named John Jackson who d. l. Decr. 1st 1836 Aged 67 y. And of Isabella, Widow of the above-named John Jackson who d. 1. April 10th.1837 Aged 63y.
S. m. Anthony Jackson, Barber, late of the Market place in Kendal and formerly of the Anchorites house, Kirkland. He d. on the 23rd of August 1807 aged 85 y. “The hoary head is a Crown of Glory if it be found in the way of Righteousness.” This Monument was erected as a Testimony of Gratitude for many Obligations, by his many friends and admirers in Kendal and the Neighbourhood. (See Lancaster Gazette 29 Aug.1807.)
At the demolition of the old vestry in 1850, the above, a black and white marble monument was taken down, and laid aside in the S.F. corner of the churchyard among fragments of lettered stones. This tablet, by F. Webster of Kendal, was circular in shape and erected against the S. vestry gable. It became a heap of pieces and about 1855 disappeared altogether. It was copied by me on Whit Monday 1854. (Mr. Jennings.)
(N. W). S. m. David Jackson who d. 7th Novr. 1822 Aged 63. Also of E. A. J.—E. J.—& W. D. J. His three Children by Maria his Wife. Also of Elizth. Warne (Mother of the said Maria Jackson) who d. 3d Octr. 1826 Aged 90. Also of William Burn her Brother who d. Apl. 19, 1822 Aged 88. Also of Maria, Relict of the above David Jackson, who d. Jany. 15, 1849 Aged 75. Also of D. J. her Nephew who d. Apl. 29, 1836 aged 32.
(E). S. m. George Jackson who d. January 25th 1821 Aged 68, James his Son d. March 10th 1805 Aged 10. Alice his Da. d. Feb. 6th 1800 Aged 1. Nanny his Wife d. May 20th 1829 Aged 68. Mary, grand-da. of the above, and Da. of Williarn Jackson d. 2nd Septr. 1825 Aged 6. George, Grandson of the above, & son of John Jackson d. 26th April 1831 Aged 13. Ann da. of the above d. July 29th 1830 Aged 33. The above William Jackson d. 14th Septr. 1831 Aged 40. The above John Jackson d. 4th Feby. 1832 Aged 39. Eleanor Cock d. 24th Decr. 1836 Aged 45. Ann, da. of the above Eleanor d. 21st Decr. 1836 Aged 6 m. Emma Jackson Wife of the above William Jackson d. Septr. 27th 1850, Aged 60.
(N). Here lieth the Body of lames Jackson late Serjeant att mace & Margaret his wife. He died June 18th 1743 aged 83 She died February 16th 1740 aged 86. Also near Lieth four of their Grand-children, Sons of George and Mary Harrison, to wit, Thomas aged 11, Iames, Richard, and Edmond. Here also lieth the Body of Richard, Son of the above named Iames & Margaret Jackson who d. L. the 12 Day of July 1766 Aged 69. (partly from Mr. Jennings’ 1861 copy bur. 14 Jan. 1704, Eliz. da. of J. J. of Highgate, Serjent).
(E). To m. Jane, Da. of the Rev. John Jackson of Burneside & Jane his wife who d. July 27, 1782 aged 14, And Elizabeth their Da. who d. August 19, 1783 aged 13, And of William Jackson their Son who d. May 28, 1805 aged 44.
(E). In M. the Rev. John Jackson late Curate of Burniside in this Parish, who d. February 13th 1790 Aged 65 Y.
(E). Michael Jackson d. 6th of July 1805 Aged 12, Robert Jackson 30th of May 1816 Aged 7 weeks, Agnes Jackson 29th of March 1818 Aged 4, Robert Jackson 3rd of March 1821 Aged 2, Thomas Jackson 15th of July 1826 Aged 19 William Jackson their Father d. April 27th 1827 Aged 56. William Jackson, August 1st 1827, Aged 19, John Jackson, December 12th 1841 Aged 30, Mary Jackson, Relict of the above W. Jackson d. at Morland on the 1st of June 1867 Aged 86; Havina survived her Husband 40 y. and the last of her children 26 y. “I only bow and say, my God, thy will be done.”
(N. stall). To M. Thomas Jackson, Wire.drawer, who d. L. the 26th Day of June 1796 aged 64 Y., and Jane his Wife, who d. L. April the 10th 1773 aged 48 Y. also John, the son of Thomas and Jane Jackson who d. August the 20th 1764 aged 2 Y., also Elizabeth their Da. who d. February the 6th 1770 aged 9 y.
The Toils of Life, the Pangs of Death are o’er.
And Care, and Pain, and Sickness are no more.
(E). George Jennings of Kendall, d. 11th of September 1823 Aged 68 y. Also Ann his Wife d. 9th Feby. 1837 Aged 84 also to m.Elizabeth, Wife of James Jennings (of Kirkland) who d. January 28th 1848 Aged 64 y. Also of the above James Jennings, who d. l. September 20th 1855 Aged 70 y. and was interred at Castle Park Cemetery.
(Brass plate N wall, L1). Here lie the Remains of Anthony Jennings, late of Kendal, Printer, who d. Jany. 7th 1745 aged 28 y. Near also lie the Remains of Anthony Jennings his Son, late of Wigan in Lancashire, Brazier, who d. December 9th 1767 aged 22 y.
Weep not for Us, my Friend so Dear,
We are not Dead, but Sleepeth Here,
To seek Corruption in the Dust
Till Christ shall raise us with the Just.
[W]. Sacred to the Memory of George Holden John.son, Son of the Revd. Benjamin Johnson, Vicar of Great Gidding, Hunts, & Catharine his Wife. He was for four y. Master of the National School in this Town. He d. I. on the 10th Jany. 1834 Aged 36 y. Near him are laid two of his Children, Catharine Eliza, who d. September the 8th 1831 Aged 8 y. And George Holden who d. August the 28th 1833 Aged 7 y. (Mr. G. H. J. made the plan of Kendal in Mr. Nicholson’s Annals, 1832).
(E). J. Jones 1832.
(On W wall below 1st window). S. m. Mr. John Jones of Goldsmith Street, London, who d. at Kendal 4th April 1823 aged 46 y