Suggested Interest:   A puzzling verse    1582 verse    Tirer’s 1627 epitaph


(W. altar tomb). Here Lieth the Body of William Tarn late of Birks, in New Hutton, Batchelor: who D. L. on the 18th of May 1778, in the 44th year of his Age. Here also Lyes the Body of Ellin Scales, widow of Edward Scales, of this Town, and Sister to the above-said, Who D. L. the 17th of February 1739 and in the ..6th of her age. (Brass plate). Here lie the Remains of Mr. Robert Green, late of Kendal, Officer of Excise, who d. the 13th day of June 1769 aged 64 Y. Here also lie the Remains of Elizabeth His Wife, who d. L. the 24th Day of April 1770 aged 63. (Mr. Jennings)


(On E wall Bellingham chapel hidden by tapestry). In M. Edmund Tatham of Kendal, Surgeon, who d. 1. 25th July 1876 in his 80th y. The Rose Window Above was inserted by a few Old Friends in token of their High Appreciation of his Self Denying Kindness of Heart and Sterling Worth. (Mr. Jennings).

(Brass on N wall Bellingham chapel. Not in Bellasis). In loving rememberance of Edmund Tatham, Surgeon of this town and a benefactor to the poor. who died July 25th 1876 aged 79 years. The rose window in the East wall of this aisle was given and this tablet erected by his Friends.


(N.W. altar tomb). In M. Elizabeth Tatham, Da. of Edmund and Hannah Tatham of Kendal who d. l. the 26 day of February 1797 aged 11 M. Also of Hannah their third da. who d. June 24th 1819 Aged 16. Also of Georgiana their fifth Da. who d. October 21st 1824 Aged 18. Also of Hannah, Wife of Edmund Tatham who d. on the 1st of Jany. 1848 Aged 79. And of Edmund Tatham, Surgeon, who d. on the 6th of Jany. 1848 Aged 7.8


(N. Flat tomb). Skull and Cross Bones. In hopes of a glorious resurrection Resteth the Body of Chr. Taylor of this Town, Mercer & Draper; who d. l. Decr: 20th 1825 Aged 39 y. Also Alice Catherine Taylor, da. of Christopher & Catherine Taylor, Aged 1 y. & 8 m. On June and 1843, Mary, Wife of Adam Taylor, Printer, Aged 33 y., Leaving a Young Family to Lament her Loss.
Adam Taylor had the verse that followed chiselled away. It is now very indistinct. It ran:

Dear Wife do not mourn for me
For none can lay the blame on thee;
Our joys were few, our cares were less,
I’m gone to sing my Maker’s bliss.

(Mr. Jennings).


(In. N. W. floor, faded). In M. Mr. Henry Taylor of Lending in the County of Lancaster Gent. who d. October 28, 1737 Aged 38 Y. And of Sarah his Wife, Da. of Mr. Joseph Sympson of Kendal who d. July 6, 1738 Aged 44 Y. And of Hannah their Da. who d. Young. This Stone is inscribed by their affectionate Son John Taylor Esqr. of Abbot Hall.


(On N wall beyond 3rd window). In M. John Taylor of Abbot Hall Esquire who d. September the 28, 1784 Aged 62 and of Dorothy his wife, who d. June the 28, 1801 Aged 63.


(E). S. m. John Taylor, Late Master of the Blue-coat School, Kendal, who d. March 7th 1827 Aged 54 y., And of Ann, his Wife, who d. April 2nd 1810 Aged 37 y., And of John, their Son, who d. February 15th 1837 Aged 31 y. Also of Thomas Willan, their grandson who d. April 23rd 1836 Aged 2 m. Also of Ann, the beloved Wife of Thomas Willan, and Da. of the above, who d. Sept. 2nd 1847, Aged 49 y.


(E). S. m. Richard Taylor, late of Bank Head, Bradley Field, who d. June 28th 1855 Aged 98 y. Also of Mary his Wife, who d. Decr. 9th 1833 Aged 75 y. Also of Ann Cragg their Da. who d. Novr. 24th 1826 aged 27 y. Also of Thomas their Son, who d. Decr. 16th 1846 aged 61 y. Also of Richard Jackson Harrison Taylor their Son, who d. Feby. 9th 1848 Aged 52 y.


(In. Clerestory window S). Thomas Taylor gave this Window 1851. Arms ar. chevron engrailed sa. between 3 compasses. (Mr. Rushforth).


(W. altar tomb). In M. Hugh Teasdale, who d. October 22, 1787 Aged 61, and of Mary, his wife who d. April 12, 1776, Aged 50, also of Mary, their Da. who d. October 24, 1781 aged 21, Ann, their Da. who d. April 2, 1786 Aged 21, Hugh their Son who d. July 25, 1790 Aged 19, and James, their Son, who d. December 11, 1794, Aged 36, and of the Infant Son of James Teasdale. Also of Jane relict of the above James Teasdale, who d. March 14th 1825 Aged 63 Y. And of their daus. Mary Teasdale, who d. June 26th 1835 Aged 45 y. And Elizabeth, wife of W. C. Brumwell, who d. August 21st 1836 Aged 44 Y. Also of Jane Eliza infant Da. of W. C. & E. Brumwell, who d. Febry. 1824. Also in m. Francis and Henry, Twin-Sons of James Teasdale, and Jane Brumwell, b. June 1st d. June 5th and 15th 1855.


(E). In m. Betty, wife of John Thompson, of the Lound, Kendal, who d. March 10th 1838 aged 60 y. Also of their Eldest Da. Agnes Strickland, who d. Feby. 5th 1837 aged 33 y. Also of their Da. Jane who d. in infancy.


(E). S. m. Robert Thompson, late Officer of Excise, who d. 1. August 14th 1826 aged 69 y. Also of Sarah his Wife, who d. July 30th 1830, Aged 68 y.


(Bellingham chapel E. on pillar).

On earth three score a tene years spent
or nighe ther abowts this lyffe changed
Dame Thomasin Thorn bvrgh hence went
heavenlye joyes to joye expected
wiffe to Sir William Thornbvrgh Knyght
whylst on earth he was remaynyng
Sir Robert Bellingham gentle knyght
hir father was wyth whom ending
she desired sepvlted to be
as here hir corps, hir hope (serving)  ( Whitaker II. 330, & Mr. Nicholson p.59)
Vnder lyeth as yove maye see
hir spirit wyth the blessed being
the eleventhe of Avgvst she expired
a yeare of Christ on thowsand
fyve hundreth eightie too   (ended adds Whitaker)
this world she left (there of not loth)
almightie God hir sowle receave to hevenly blis she hvmblye craved.

Arms, tinctures now, 1888, indistinct). I. erm. fret and chief gu. (Thornburgh) ; II. ar. 2 bars gu. on canton of last cross (flory) of field. (Broughton), III. ar. 2 bars and canton gu. over all bend az. (not ar. Mr. N. p.59, Coupland). IV. fretty ar. (Harrington), V. ar. 3 bugle horns sa. garnished and stringed gu. (St. George says or) (Bellingham), VI. ar. 3 bendlets gu. on canton of last lion rampant of field (Burneshead). (Coll. Arms, I, C. B. 2. 2nd Cal. 16, i.e. Copy of St. George’s 1615 Westmd. Visit).


(In. N.W.floor). D. Threlfall 1822. E. Briggs, 1842.


(In. E. floor, brass).

Herevnder lyeth ye body of Ravlph Tirer, late Vicar of Kendall, Batchler of Divinity, who dyed the 4th day of Jvne Ano Dni. 1627.
London bredd me, Westminster fedd me,
Cambridge sped me, my Sister wed me,
Study taught me, Liuing sought me,
Learning brought me, Kendall caught me,
Labour pressed me, Sicknes distressed me,
Death oppressed me, & graue possessed me,
God first gave me, Christ did saue me,
Earth did crave me, & Heauen would haue me.


(S). In m. James Townley, Late of Manchester who d. 3oth December 1831 Aged 39 y.


(In. W.floor). Here Lieth ye Body of Mrs. Agnes Troughton Late Wife of Mr. Miles Troughton who d. 6 day of Sepber. in the y. of our Lord 1694, ætatis suae 80. (Partly Mr. Jennings’ copy).


(W. rail). In m. William Turner late of Castle Mills, who d. January 31st 1833, aged 60 y., also of Sarah his wife, who d. July 14th 1852 in the 76th y. of her age.